Monthly Archives: April 2010

Invaded house

Imagine one of these yuppies that on their 30s have already achieved an impressive amount of wealth. Well, one of them decided, out of the blue, to move back to his mother’s house. With no announcement one day he came home, greeted his young brothers and sisters and recovered control of his old room. The mother was a bit surprised but the general mood was a warm and happy welcome.
Gradually he started to impose his way of life. Threw away what he didn’t like, change the decoration in the living room and became highly demanding. Of course he didn’t contribute to the household economy (some business people become rich because they know very well how to squeeze their mates). The rest of the family got more and more disturbed but he was the elder and imposed his law. The refrigerator was now an empty black hole and the social areas became a giant trash basket. The mother was sending and sending messages asking a different behaviour, a more responsible use of the resources, more respect towards sisters and brothers. She left notes in doors, talked to him, she even made a beautiful painting showing the harmony that beauty brings. All efforts were vain. The domestic economy was exhausted, the sisters and brothers became almost his slaves and the dignity and honour of the mother became just a memory and even an excuse to laugh.
One day the mother decided to send a stronger message: she took all his non-sense gadgets and fashion clothes and burned it in the garden. When he came back he was shocked and blamed everyone. Partially because of the lost items but mainly he would have to spend time in buying new ones and therefore diverting his precious time from his main passion: to make money.
And I ask myself: does our planet deserve that same miserable behaviour? It might be time to listen to Mother Earth and stop exhausting her resources and using her as a global bin. The volcano is just but another post-it in the door…which would be the lesson: that airlines lost some money?

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